Tuesday, November 22, 2005

AOL Keyword: Clueless

Kathie Brockman of AOL tells the Washington Post that their new practice of invading paid-customer's Journals with unwanted advertising is "consistent with the practices of other major blog providers on the Internet."


The News Tribune (Tacoma, WA) has picked this story up as well.
And The Journal News.
And Biz Report.
And The Blog Herald.
And The Austin American Statesman.
And The Alameda Times-Star.
And Inside Bay Area.
And The Inquirer (UK).

Stand back and salute. The Bullshit Flag riseth.

I don't see any unwanted advertising here on blogspot.

Guess where a lot of AOL's former long-time customers have gone after AOL ambushed their customers?

AOL apparently considers this part of their "audience strategy" - where they aggressively remain completely oblivious to their audience, pretend to listen to them (while hearing only that which they want to hear), and refuse to give them the courtesy of a reach around.

Is it any wonder AOL is losing customers at break-neck speed?!

Check back soon for an update on whether the AOL Corporate site sets-up shop at AOL Keyword: Clueless.

(Thanks to Yuki Noguchi for hearing our case and running our story!)

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