Monday, April 18, 2005

Crimeless Victim

It appears this will be my new home... for now.

AOL has decided the yank my long-standing journal from their space due to a violation they refuse to identify. They, actually Mark Gurmmond who claims to be the "highest" level of customer satis... no... dissatisfaction, identified the specific "violating" entry and the existence of a "pro-bulimia" link in that entry, but would not expand on the "violation."

In review, the only link to any bulimia site in that entry is a webmd-aol link supported by AOL which provides medical information regarding the disease. It is NOT a "pro-bulimia" link. If it were, then it could accurately be stated that AOL hosts a "pro-bulimia" site.

Until AOL gets their collective IQ of 6 together and tanks my interim AOL Journal, you can check the AOL Customer Service Chronicles at ... but not for long, I'm sure.

Sunday, April 17, 2005

Victimless Crime

Does anyone contend, anymore, that there is such a thing as a victimless crime?

I know of a few people who still try and sell prostitution, and gambling as "victimless" ... and it simply makes no sense!