Sunday, May 01, 2005

Hillary's Selective Memory on DPRK Nukes

Along comes Hillary - slinging her selective memory regarding the DPRK's nuclear abilities...

She blames President Bush for North Korea's ability to hit the Northwestern United States with an Inter-Continental Ballistic Missile (ICBM). "They couldn't do that when George Bush became President, and now they can," she says.
Nevermind the fact that North Korea developed the ability to produce nuclear weapons in 1999, when her husband was defiling the Oval Office.

Guess what?

Clinton GAVE Kim Jong-Il nuclear technology in exchange for the promise that he wouldn't make weapons. This, despite a House Advisory Group's warning that if Kim Jong-Il broke his promise, he would have the capacity to produce nearly 500 Kilograms of plutonium each year. That's enough for 100 nuclear bombs per year.

The Clinton-Gore fiasco went against nine previous U.S. administrations in 1994 and made North Korea not only the largest recipient of U.S. Foreign Aid in the Asia-Pacific, but they stipulated that aid would primarily fund the construction of nuclear reactors worth up to $6 Billion.

Oh, and that advisory group that Clinton-Gore ignored (no doubt in favor of a publicity poll) - that advisory group warned that North Korea would soon be able to hit the U.S. with ICBMs due to Clinton's facilitation of North Korea's nuclear programs.

How much dee-ploh-muh-see would Hillary and friends like to see before we go and deal with Kim Jong-Il on more certain terms? Another 12 years, perhaps? 17 more failed UN Security Council Resolutions?

Or, should we pretend that a "man" who is content to let his countrymen subsist on worms, grass and tree bark so his military can stay strong is stable enough to handle nuclear weaponry?

1 comment:

Shayrah said...

I find it amazing how democrats can totally change history to fit their agenda. I wonder if they practice their lies so many times in the mirror that they start to believe their own lies...


BTW-I like your site- I'll put a link on my page!!!