Saddam Hussein is not a martyr. He's a murderer and world-class tyrant whose execution was conducted with metric assloads more dignity than he offered his hundreds of thousands of victims. Some people need to get that through their ultra-thick skulls. Why the hell are these people crying for Saddam and not his victims?!
Walter Veltroni, left-wing Mayor of Rome (that's in Italy, yo) has managed to go all "UN" on the world in a form of protest that, I guess, is supposed to shake the world to it's knees - or at least to Atlas' shoulders. Veltroni has gone way out on a limb and - you may want to sit down for this - he lit up the Colosseum. That's right... it's probably Armageddon if they don't shut the lights out on the Colosseum in the next few minutes. Say your prayers, cleanse your pores, or do whatever it is you need to do before the Coroner finds you in your dirty skivvies... this is it! Veltroni's point? He wants to lead a world-wide protest against Capital Punishment. He's one of those who are more worked-up over Saddam's execution than over the execution of hundreds of thousands of Saddam's victims. (Want to make a wager on whether or not Veltroni was in line for Oil-for-Food-Kickbacks that he's no longer going to receive because Uncle Saddam hadn't paid-up yet?)
Italy reportedly has drawn-up plans to nuke Iran. Which would be the greater travesty... hundreds of thousands dead in Iran, or a botched execution of the person who authorized the strike?
Hosni Mubarak also thinks claims Saddam was made a martyr.
(Could it be.... Oil for Kickbacks again?! Is Mubarak not getting his Kickback check from the Bank of Saddam either?)
Oh... there will be more... just wait until the "progressive" leadership circulates opinions to their constituency and they start repeating the opinions they've been issued.
Every day, I'm more and more convinced that the problem isn't the "leadership" of the left (or the right), but the apathy and ignorance of their constituents who would rather not be bothered with actually having to think for themselves.