Wednesday, December 13, 2006

It's Ok for a Politician to Promote Religion When...

... the politician is a Democrat.

The Hill reports that Burns Strider will join Billary's years'-old-but-still-unannounced 2008 Presidential campaign. Strider currently heads ... "head" probably is a poor choice of words when it shares a sentence with "President" and 'Clinton" ... the religious outreach for the House Democratic Caucus and is the lead staffer for the Democrats' Faith Working Group (created by Nancy Pelosi in 2005 when Democrats discovered they lost significant ground to those of us who vote based on our consistent principles and morals).

Also, Democrats Obama and Brownback recently appeared at the evangelical Saddleback Church in Lake Forest, CA.

That Senator, Hanoi John, also recently hosted evangelical leaders and traveled to California for a four-hour meeting with Rick Warren, pastor of Saddleback Church and author of "The Purpose Driven Life."

Three of the Democrat front runners for the 2008 Presidential Food Fight will have aides and advisors who specialize in religious outreach.

You wont hear the MSM or rabid anti-religion constituents bitching about it though. It's only a bad thing when Republicans do it.


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