Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Turning Red States Blue

During an off-election year, grassroots "Progressives" recently met in Austin, Texas with 900-some other Democrat activists from 36 states, D.C., Japan and - well, France to discuss how to make themselves more electable. They called their meeting Democracy Fest 2005. They delivered Democrat Fest 2005.

Galveston County Democrat, Sandra Brown insists "We've got to establish the message of the Democrat(ic) Party: that we're not against America, that we're not immoral people," and "We've been relying on Republicans to define us."

Buttons with a striken-out DeLay were seen far and wide.

The article implies Screamin' Howie was slated to address the festival at Stubb's BBQ.

A Precinct Chair, Carolyn Moon kicks in with "We've got to quit having such good manners." And, right in the middle of Texas, she says "If it wasn't for those damn Yankees, this state is Democratic."

She clarifies that anyone North of the Nueces River is a Yankee.

Them's mighty Progressive words if y'ask me...

"We're not against America" or "immoral people." Is this the message "Progressives" want to get out? Really? Wouldn't it behoove the Party to simply let their actions speak louder than their words - and is that the extent of their message? Or is it so important to regain power, that doing the right thing is secondary to gaining political prowess - at any cost?

And what's with the striken-out DeLay buttons? Are they planning, again, on winning elections by really really hating the other guy... but just more than they did the last time around?

Meanwhile, who invited Howie? If the party wants to reestablish credibility, shouldn't they rely on those who are credible? Why no Obama?! :: stomp, stomp ::

Then there's "good manners." She must have meant "start" ... they've got to start having good manners. Start, not stop. I refer back to my question about Obama. Right, Wrong or Indifferent - Obama takes Dean and his ilk any day, simply on the account of his Dignity, Integrity and Character. :: stomp, stomp, stomp ::

Nah. I guess I was wrong... Moon knew exactly what she meant. Drawing on selectively ignorant generalizations, she blames the fact that Texas isn't "Democratic" ... she meant "Democrat," not "Democratic" ... on "those damn Yankees."

Certainly, there's room for Yankees in a Democratic state... perhaps not a Democrat sate... but is Moon's goal truly to turn Texas blue by outcasting those damn Yankees?! Like I've been saying all along, it would be better to include a slightly-to-much larger percentage of those damned moderate-Yankees, at least, thus increasing the "Progressive's" fold... as opposed to focusing on bitching about the success of the other party and hoping that does the trick.

These are your average grass roots Blue-staters, and it seems the wrong ideas have trickled way down to their roots...

Now, someone tell me why Barack Obama isn't head-lining for the Democrat Party... all the way into 2008? He at least hasn't lept off the cliff yet... has he?

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