Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Club Gitmo Prisoner Treatment

The inordinate and calculated shock, disdain and horror over the "gulag-esque" conditions at Gitmo are little more than irresponsible partisanship resulting in the mockery of the real travesties of soviet gulags, Nazi death camps, and Pol Pot's near-decimation of his own people.

Having already lost their credibility, the broken-wing of the überleft isn't going to like this little bit either. Granted, polls can be tooled to say anything one wants - but the überleft doesn't get to cry about this since their only President in the past 22-plus years made most of his public policy decisions from the polls - and his private policy decisions from his pants.

But I digress.

So, back to the poll.

A Rasmussen Reports poll of 1,000 likely voters (conducted on June 20-21, 2005 with a +/- 3% sampling error and 95% level of confidence) showed that 20% of Americans believe that Gitmo prisoners have been treated unfairly.

I side with that 20%. Gitmo prisoners have been treated unfairly... too-fairly... to orange-glazed chicken, rice pilaf, prayer rugs and free religious materials (at U.S. taxpayer expense), honey and dates to break their fasting, etc... You name it. If you were treated this well on your last flight across the country, then let me know!

Meanwhile, 7 of 10 Americans believe these prisoners are being treated "better than they deserve" (34%) or "about right" (34%). Come to think of it, throw me in that "better than they deserve" crowd.

Only 7% of Republican respondents believe prisoners were being treated unfairly, while 30% of Democrats and 22% of Independents believed the same. Someone lookup disparity in Websters, then let's compare notes about how our American prisoners are being treated by the same people our prisoners represent.

Better yet, let's send Amnesty International to visit American prisoners in the Middle East.

Good luck talking to a lopped-off head or a woman who was so brutally gang raped, that the government simply will not tell you the extent of her physical and emotional damages because Americans can't handle that little truth. Then compare that to honey and dates - and then tell me who's got their perspective F'd up beyond all recognition.

Backtrack to: Three Bad Fingers § The Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler

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