Monday, June 06, 2005

Supreme Court Backs Marijuana Laws

Dealing a well-deserved blow to those who prefer that our justices legislate from the bench, the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that state's "medical" marijuana laws do not trump the federal ban on the drug.

Writing the 6-3 decision, Justice John Paul Stevens realized the necessity in offering-up a civics lesson to those who don't know how the law works. He reminded them that Congress may change the law to allow medical use of marijuana.

The ruling allows Federal authorities to prosecute "medical" marijuana users under the Controlled Substances Act.

What I don't get is why "medical" marijuana users would choose uncontrolled delivery of a drug containing over 400 chemicals, of which, less than 10% have been studied - especially when perfectly legal and viable alternatives, with controlled delivery rates, exist.

That's right, true Medical Marijuana already exists. It's called Marinol, only it's controlled - and you don't load a bunch into a bowl and smoke away. If someone truly needs medical marijuana, they should truly talk to their doctor about the legal alternatives.


floralilia said...

hey armandt

got me my very own blogspot too...

eblogger is so easy to use!

thanks for your help...


floralilia said...'s my new digs...

pop on over when you can..