Saturday, February 24, 2007


Considering the strategic Muslim backlash against the Dutch printing of cartoons mocking their Prophet, one would think the Dutch would be gun shy about taking them on again. Nevermind the fact that Libs think suppose it's perfectly ok for Muslims to demonize the west, while they think suppose it's entirely wrong of the west to call a spade a spade or, God-forbid, defend our way of life.

So, Geert Wilders, leader of the Dutch anti-immigration party (another ballsy distinction in and of itself), plans to call for a no-confidence vote regarding two Muslim government ministers next week on the account of their dual citizenship. The balls kick in when Wilders called on Muslims to ditch half the teachings in the Koran and said he would chase Islam's Prophet Mohammad out of the country if he were alive today.

Iran calls the comments "spiteful."

Cheerful beheadings and joyful jihad may follow, compliments of the moderate and peace-loving government of Iran.